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Boyle Study Questions And Essays (1)

Boyle Study Questions And Essays (1)

Q 1. Why did mass emigration from the South occur in the 1920s and not after the Civil War? 2. What did the migrants expect, and what did they find, in the North?3. What is a ghetto and of what establishments in American cities did they consist? 1. How had Detroit evolved from the Nineteenth Century to 1925? 2. Who lived in the neighborhood around Garland and Charlevoix?3. What route took Ossian Sweet to Detroit? Do not limit your answer to information in Chapter 1

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In between the decade 1910 and 1920, the Northern cities such as New York, Chicago, Detroit and others experienced an influx of black population. During this era, the majority of the black population began to immigrate from South to Northern cities. As per the observations of the historians, the Great Immigration occurred in the 1920s and not after the Civil War and the most cogent reason for this could be the availability of resources. During the Civil War, there was no scarcity of the resources since the population was quite small (Alexander, 2009).